I have to admit I forgot I even had this for a couple months! I've been using Twitter and Facebook a lot more but as usual I reserve this for the longer stuff. Since I last wrote I've picked up and moved from the studio apartment and into a house with three other roommates--all from the UNM anime club so its safe to say that I've found "my people" haha.
On the poker front, I really wanted to start playing again in November but there was just too much going on for me to focus on it. I've met so many new wonderful people the past couple months and trying to spend time with them all equally is starting to be next to impossible and expensive to say the least heh. Yes I've been eating out way too much and breaking all my promises of cooking at home more often but I did make an awesome spahgetti carbonara last week and I'm thinking of doing something Korean before year's end so I'm working on it!
Christmas Eve is just a week away and that's when I'll be flying home to Texas to see the family. Only get to be there for a few nights but at least I'll get to see some friends that I haven't seen in half a year which I still can't believe--time has flown by so quickly this year...
My next post will probably be about my new year's resolutions so stay tuned! :)
1 hour ago