Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sandia and Sushi

Played only about two hours yesterday of 1/2 at Sandia and won $180, then promptly blew $80 on sushi right after lol. Better than losing it to a guy at the table that's for sure. There is no food right now that I really love more than sushi, it's usually light and healthy and its just so beautiful! I could eat it everyday if it didn't cost so damn much! I'm about to go back to the casino since it's about to be Sat night and that's when all the fish come out to play ;)

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I worked out for the first time in almost two month by using the apartment's gym room which consists of just one treadmill, one stairstepper, and one other thing that I have no clue what it's called. After 25 minutes on the treadmill I wanted to puke--I'm sooo out of shape! I wanted to stop after just 15 minutes but there was a really hot blonde girl sunbathing right outside by the pool where the gym window just so happens to face and so yeah that was my motivation for the day haha. Tomorrow I'll go for 30 minutes and go from there. I really need to make this a more frequent thing since I'm horrible at keeping a schedule for it and I give myself way too many excuses not to do it.

Then I had to deal with Geico again, the idiots there somehow left off a number on my address when I looked at it online. Plus they are charging me DOUBLE now what I paid them in San Angelo, it's rediculous! I can understand that this is a bigger city but geez...

Then to top it all off I went to Sandia and threw away a hundred bucks in less than an hour because I was impatient. I had AQ, he had KK, flop came Queen high and I shoved it after he already raised and I didn't think about it long enough and lost my whole stack because of it. I think it was because I had to actually WAIT on getting into the game for about an hour in the first place that led me to play so fast and poorly like that so I'll know better for next time I hope.

Tomorrow I'm going to keep on trying to find myself a job in this town. The Radisson is up next!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Poker Notes

This was a list I kept recently just to keep tabs on how I'm doing with the cash games, might as well put it here too.

runner runner straight to bust me of my $70 (1st hand) at 1/2 NL 75% fav
$40 tourney - bust in 20th place out of 100. top 10 pays. $1200 to first
$20 blown at video poker. NEVER PLAYING THIS AGAIN.
(down $130 total)

runner runner diamonds to bust me of my $100 at 1/2 NL 70% fav, i was up to $130 total before the bust hand. (down $230 total)

lost it all ($50) with set of 5s on flop to a bigger set JJ's on turn, then lost another $50 when i flopped flush AND open ended straight flush and still lost to a bigger turned flush. $30 tourney i ran A10off into AK pf while shortstacked, 113 entries/30th place
(down $330 total)

Took day off from Sandia, just played a few SpadeClub games.

Played 8hrs, lost first $50 within the first 2hrs and then w/ my last $50 I was down to as low as $22 before fighting back to $276 when I cashed out. I had KK and went all in after the flop against a guy with straight AND flush draw but survived to win and that got me to $200 before I bled down again to $120ish and then i got AA vs QQ which got me up to $276 when I stopped at 9pm. Also made a sick all-in call with J9dd against guy bluffing me the whole way.
(down $54 total)

Sandia has a noon $40 NL tourney but going to play 30k instead on SClub at 2pm. Damn, ended up missing the 30k but ate well at Ming Dynasty!

Decided at the last minute after dinner at Flying Star to play at Sandia. 1st time buying in for $100 instead of just $50. After floping top pair with A10dd I Turn the 10 and lost more than half my stack when other guy shows down set of Aces! Fight back up from $30something to finish the night with $120-ish? I stacked a guy when my JJ held up against whatv he was chasing. Then won another big pot with I limped with A8ss and flop came small but 2 spades, guy bets big, I go all in and after long time he folds, whew! Went home with est. $120 in profit.
(up $61 total)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

ABQ Day 2 6/30/09

Today was all about changing and updating info with my bank, credit cards, etc. Typical relocating type chores that needed to get done but who forgot and left their car title in San Angelo? This guy! I'm having my parents mail it to me since I have 30 days to take care of my D.L. and plates. I did do a lot of driving around again and I stumbled upon The Dog House and I tried one of theirchile-cheese dogs w/ onions and it was gloriously and unexpectedly spicy! I went to play a little 1/2 at the Sandia in the evening and played well but was down for the night about $130 unfortunately. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get it back and then some!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

ABQ Moving Day 6/29/09

The drive up to Albuquerque was uneventful, a nice normal day. Left the house at around 7:15am and was in Roswell, NM by 9:45am thanks to the Mountain Time change. The worst part was the drive from Roswell to ABQ, the scenery reminded me of the drive from San Angelo to Amarillo, where it was nothing but flat land as far as the eye could see. Once I got onto I-40 though, things looked a lot better, trees everywhere-rolling hills, more cars and mountains in the distance made the last couple hours of driving pretty exciting I guess.

3pm, I arrive into city limits and drive Central Ave all the way to my apartment off University Blvd, I live less than a mile from UNM so I noticed alot of foot/bike traffic in the area which was cool. I'm considering getting a bike here since the weather is so nice compared to what west Texas is like. I spent the whole day driving around and getting used to the area, while also looking for an internet connection for my notebook as I had a lot to update about! I found a Hastings store and was able to let everyone back home that I was still alive and that things were going okay--Twitter/Facebook is the best thing since well, the internet?

By 9:30pm I'm super hungry but on a Monday night, not much was open so I opted for a Carl's Jr since I've never tried them before and they stay open really late. I remember getting the Guacamole Bacon Burger and I don't remember much more than that because the orgy in my mouth made me blackout it was so good! I'll try not to go back anytime soon since I know I've already gained like five pounds in the last week alone, thank you stress! < /sarcasm>

Anyway, the apartment looks fine--I'll need to get a chair of some kind and a fan because I forgot to bring mine for the much needed white noise for me to sleep well with and a plastic storage bin for my stuff since I don't have any furniture! Right now I'm sleeping on the floor on a japanese futon and there is literally almost nothing else on my floor except my suitcases. Oh and the stovetop/oven isn't working but I already called down about it and they said they'll send someone to fix it in the morning which is okay since I still need to unpack all my stuff including my kitchen-ware anyway. The only other thing I can complain about is probably about the AC because it doesn't get as cool as I'd want it to be but the weather is nice outside so I can just open my balcony screen door if I need to I think.

I think I'm really going to like this town. Just a feeling.