Monday, February 2, 2009

This Week in Food...

January 29th: 4:30am @ Denny's with my friend Justin

Top is the new "Slamwich", at least that's what I think it was called and underneath are some hush--I mean "Pancake Puppies" they were fun to eat but I don't recommend eating too many of 'em...or your stomach will make you pay for it later!

Denny's is giving away free Grand Slams tomorrow between 6am and 2pm, I'd like to go since I get off work at 7am but I don't know anyone that'd go with me that early :(

January 30th: Road Runner's Burger Deli (yes again lol)

Forgot what the top one was, but it had bbq sauce and onion rings inside--something Daniel would enjoy :) and a Jalepeno Burger (bottom)

January 31st: Armentas Cafe w/ Justin and Michelle

Kinda dark, need a better cam...

1 comment:

SiameseDream64 said...

Dude, gimme some of your tots!
(Because that line just hasn't been quoted enough yet)

Your food posts always make me hungry. I should remember to not read your posts so late at night...