Saturday, October 11, 2008

International Coming Out Day

I learned just a few days ago that today, October 11th marks the annual Coming Out Day for anyone who wishes to do so. Big events are held in large towns like Austin for this special day with local GLBT groups around the country but I thought it was pretty cool that there's a day for this. They say to wear support pins or patches or whatever to show support and awareness of GLBT people around the world which I think is a really cool idea. Too bad I don't own a pink triangle pin or rainbow braclet or anything snazzy like that or I would have today! There's a certain friend of mine that I will not name here that I think could use this day to tell us all "something" but that isn't my place or my business to talk about really since I myself know all too well how hard it was to come out to my closest friends and family when I was younger. Everyone does it in their own way and that's fine! Just uh, don't wait until you're married, have three kids and then decide to tell everybody because umm it might be just a little late then... ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Literally rolling on the floor laughing.